Johanna Perret

Creative Direction

Johanna Perret
Creative Direction | Fashion Design

Personal Styling | Colour Concepts
+49 157 7159 7213‬

Johanna Perret is a French-German fashion designer and design consultant with a decade of experience in the fashion industry. She has recently joined academia as a lecturer in Fashion Design. After graduating from the Kunsthochschule Weißensee in Berlin in 2009, she founded the internationally acclaimed and award winning fashion label PERRET SCHAAD together with Tutia Schaad. For 18 seasons, PERRET SCHAAD has designed and produced sophisticated and cosmopolitan collections. Renowned for staging their fashion shows at exciting offsite locations in Berlin, PERRET SCHAAD took over venues including Mies van der Rohe’s Neue Nationalgalerie, the woodwork section of a large home improvement store and a public pool with their presentations. In collaboration with prestigious companies and institutions, PERRET SCHAAD has extended its scope to the design of eyeglasses, furniture, shoes, hotel uniforms and theatre costumes. Building up on these successful interdisciplinary commissions, Johanna Perret now continues her creative work individually. With a love for mixing draping and pattern cutting, and a strong sensibility for color, she carefully works forms and volumes around the body. Focussing on high quality in craftsmanship as well as sustainable manufacturing methods and materials she enjoys providing her expertise as a freelance fashion designer and consultant. Johanna works with a wide range of clients in various fields of the design world.



Käthe Kruse

Julian Breinersdorfer Architekten

Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop

Silhouette Eyewear


Freifrau Möbelmanufaktur

Lanserhof Tegernsee




Münchner Kammerspiele

HAU Hebbel am Ufer



Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee (KHB)

Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg (HAW)


Johanna Perret
Choriner Straße 29 10435 Berlin
+49 157 7159 7213‬


CODE BY Philipp Polder


Daniel Burchard
Zara Pfeifer
Léa Nielsen
Chloé Richard
Christian Schwarzenberg
Katrin Greiling
Nora Heinisch
Leonard Streich
Jakob Olsson

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